Introduction uses cookies in order to provide you with the best online shopping experience possible. Most websites make use of cookies and by using our website, you consent to
cookies being used in accordance with our cookies policy.
Google Analytics
The Corals Online website uses Google Analytics, a web-analysis tool that uses cookies for generating pseudonyms for user profiles.
What is a cookie?
A cookie is a small file containing certain bits of information that is sent to your computer when you visit a website that uses them. Most websites use cookies. These files help the essentials
of a website work (how it functions and operates) as well as helping remember what you add / remove from your shopping basket. They also perform a number of other non-essential tasks.
Where we use cookies uses a cookie to allow the shopping basket feature to function and allow you to make your purchase. A cookie is also used when you login to your customer account and select
the ‘Remember me on this computer’ check box.
Information held in our cookies
The only information held in our cookie is the product information of what you add / remove from the shopping basket when you are creating your order. We do not use cookies to hold any of your
personal details or any marketing data.
How to manage your cookies
If you wish to stop allowing cookies on your computer, you can do this via changing the settings on your web browser. Check the ‘Help’ section on your browser which will assist with this.
Further information
If you have any further questions or queries with regards to anything above, please feel free to contact us on 020 8447 4544 or email us at